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Summer Reading

The Phelps School Summer Reading Plan :

Years of research on summer learning loss confirms that reading is essential over the summer break. Summer learning loss has gained national attention in major media, highlighting student consequences beyond simply losing a few months of knowledge. Over time, these lost months add to years, making summer learning loss a driving factor in the achievement gap. Summer reading programs can reduce, prevent, and reverse summer learning loss.

 The intent of The Phelps School Summer Reading Program is to allow students to continue to enrich their reading and writing skills over the summer in preparation for the next school year. Students have an opportunity to select books based on their own personal and academic interests. The summer reading lists offer various reading choices based on grade level, topics of interest, and genre. In addition, the selections suggested may also have study guides, audiobooks, and other supplemental materials available to assist the student in comprehension.

Additionally, the assessments provided for the students allow them to check their own understanding and make meaning of their reading through creative and written projects.

Grade Incentive/Extra Credit: While summer reading is strongly encouraged, there is also an opportunity for any student to earn extra credit in their English class. Completion of one of the options below will earn a student extra credit. There is no limit on how much extra credit can be earned through summer reading. Unless otherwise noted, all summer reading assignments are due to their English teacher within seven days of the first English class meeting.

Prep for SAT/ACT


Summer is a good time for students to start preparing for standardized tests like the SAT and ACT. There are many valuable resources on the Internet to help students, many of which are free. Students in grades 10,11, and 12 are encouraged to use some time over the summer to prepare for these tests, whether they intend to apply to a “test-optional” college or university.

Resources: for SAT and ACT Preparation

There are several online sources for students to prepare for the SAT and ACT. Below are some free online sources that students could consider. Study guides can be purchased at several online vendors if a student wishes to have a hard copy of practice tests. Khan Academy offers free online prep for standardized tests. College Board offers full-length SAT practice test Free online test prep Princeton Review offers free online practice testing

Rev : 4/18/2023